How to
Deal When
Gets Real
How to Deal When
Stress Gets Real

Hit Up a Friend
Who Gets It

Focus on What You
Can Control

Track Your
"Wins" (Big and Small)

Take Breaks From the
Social Scroll

Tap Into One of Your
Five Senses

Reach Out to a
Mentor or Counselor

It's Okay Not To Be Okay

If you are going through it, reach out. There are resources that are free, safe, and confidential.

  • Crisis Text Line

    Here whenever you need to talk but don’t want to talk on the phone. Text “HELLO” to 741741 or message on WhatsApp to get 24/7 support from a trained crisis counselor.

    Learn More
  • Teen Line

    Talk to another teen. No one gets it more than someone your age. Call 310.855.4673 or text “TEEN” to 839863 to talk with a trained teen counselor.

    Learn More