Asset-Based Community Development: Strategies for Community Engagement and Sustainability-Sessions I and II
Award-winning TEDx speaker De’Amon Harges is a highly sought-after speaker and trainer for the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute of DePaul University. He became nationally and internationally recognized after his ten-minute TEDx Indianapolis speech about his experience as “The Roving Listener.”
Participants will discover and explore asset-based community development, social banking, the five community currencies, and their functions in the first session. In the second session, participants will learn strategies for implementing asset-based community development and social banking and practice using the five community currencies.
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Breaking Intergenerational Patterns of Trauma, Substance Use Disorders, and Dark Family Secrets
Trauma and substance use disorders run in families across generations and are often fueled by dark family secrets. Topics covered in this presentation includes: The role of youth development, prevention, and clinical professionals in breaking intergenerational patterns of trauma, substance use disorders, and dark family secrets; breaking intergenerational patterns by focusing on the unique needs of children of parents with substance use disorders and children on the FASD spectrum; the role of parents and persons in recovery in breaking intergenerational patterns; mobilizing the entire community to help break intergenerational patterns of trauma and substance use disorders. You will learn about successful programs in breaking intergenerational patterns in Iceland, Native American, Metropolitan, and rural communities.
By the end of this presentation, you will be able to:
- Begin to use strategies to help break generational patterns of trauma, substance use disorders and dark family secrets in your role as a treatment provider.
- Begin to use strategies to help break intergenerational patterns of trauma and substance use disorders in your role as a prevention specialist.
- Articulate the importance of prevention and treatment providers working together to break intergenerational patterns.
- Utilize strategies to help parents break intergenerational patterns of trauma, substance use disorders and dark family secrets.
- Address the unique needs of children of parents with substance use disorders.
- Learn strategies to break intergenerational patterns from Iceland, Native American, Metropolitan, and rural communities.
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Convening Coalitions and Community Collaborations 1: Collaborative Purpose and Participation
During this course, participants will discuss how to establish the function and purpose of community coalitions and collaborations and identify strategies for recruiting a diverse group of stakeholders. To maximize learning opportunities, participants should have a specific collaboration in mind when completing training activities.
*This course is 3 hours with an additional 30 minutes of prework required.*
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Convening Coalitions and Community Collaborations 2: Structuring for Success
During this course, participants will discuss how to structure and organize a community coalition or collaboration for success and infuse cultural respect and responsiveness into their processes. To maximize learning opportunities, participants should have a specific collaboration in mind when completing training activities.
*This course is 3 hours with an additional 30 minutes of prework required.*
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Convening Coalitions and Community Collaborations 3: Productive Group Processes and Facilitation
During this course, participants will discuss best practices for coordinating and facilitating community coalition or collaboration meetings, keeping stakeholders engaged, and evaluating the group’s effectiveness in making improvements. To maximize learning opportunities, participants should have a specific collaboration in mind when completing training activities.
*This course is 3 hours with an additional 30 minutes of prework required.*
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Culturally-Responsive Trauma-Informed Practices for LGBTQIA+ Youth in Out-of-School Settings
In this interactive webinar, training participants will cultivate shared language, support increased organizational capacity for equity work, and develop commitments that build individual responsibility and capacity for systemic change.
Learning Objectives
Objective 1: Participants will build their own skills toolbox that addresses three main areas that support anti-racist/pro-queer approaches:
- Protecting and empowering young people’s right to self-determination
- Thoughtful and intentional communication
- Addressing complex needs of harm, justice, and healing
Objective 2: Participants will be able to develop commitments that build individual responsibility and capacity regarding systemic change and increase personal understanding of systemic oppression and their role in the system.
Objective 3: Participants will be able to discern between different types of accountability and understand the complexity of being accountable as an ongoing, ever-evolving practice.
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Effective Strategies for Motivational Interviewing
Motivational Interviewing has proven to be an effective evidence-based approach with adolescents as it allows the adolescent to have a voice in the direction and goals of counseling. Topics covered in this presentation include: the 8 stages of learning motivational interviewing, mastering the basics, the spirit of motivational interviewing, and integrating motivational interviewing with other clinical approaches.
By the end of this presentation, you will be able to:
- Articulate the 8 stages of learning motivational interviewing.
- Identify strategies to improve motivational interviewing skills in youth development and intervention and violence prevention programs.
- Integrate motivational interviewing with other evidence-based and classic clinical models.
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Establishing and Elevating Inclusive Relationships
By the end of this webinar, training participants will be able to define and apply principles and practices for establishing and elevating inclusive relationships. Participants will learn strategies for cultural humility and accountability.
Trainer Bio:
Sylvester Baugh is the owner-operator of Baugh Training & Consulting (BTC) in Illinois. Sylvester is an author, speaker, trainer, and life coach. Sylvester has assisted various educational institutions, businesses, and individuals in developing and sustaining quality relationships and viable systems. Sylvester has dedicated his life to serving and improving others for over 35 years. Sylvester provides training and workshops in cultural awareness, managing conflict, effective leadership, team building, diversity, equity and inclusion, and much more. Before the tragedy of 9/11, Sylvester worked with United Airlines in the area of Diversity Management. His background is in communications and diversity coaching. His messages are inspiring and life-changing.
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Foundations of Positive Youth Development Series: Everyone's an Asset Builder and Sharing the Asset Message
During this course, you will learn how to support young people in your life and engage the families and communities of the youth connected to your work.
Everyone’s an Asset Builder (Part I)
Developmental Assets are listed under all prevention-focused, youth development service areas around which the RYD program will be designed. These include improving academic performance, life skills education, caregiver involvement, recreation, sports, cultural and artistic activities, positive adult mentors, service learning, and STEM Learning.
The first day of the two-day training introduces the Developmental Assets® framework and the powerful role of individual asset builders in the lives of youth. This workshop will help participants:
- identify the characteristics of effective asset builders and their own personal strengths and challenges
- understand “circles of influence” and identify those circles in which there is potential for asset-building
- make and share a personal commitment to asset-building action
Sharing the Asset Message (Part II)
The second training day will prepare community members and groups to deliver various asset-building messages to multiple audiences. This workshop will help participants:
- discuss how the assets relate to other positive youth development efforts
- develop engaging presentation strategies to meet the unique needs of any audience
- download free curriculum materials to use in their program presentations
* Note: This is a two-day training; participants must attend both training days to receive credit.
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Mindfulness Practices: Meditation and Visualization Exercises for Adolescents
Research reveals that mindfulness practices and meditation are evidence based approaches to help adolescents deal with traumatic stress and as violence prevention. Visualization exercises can be instrumental in helping adolescents create a life vision which does not include violence. In this interactive skill-building workshop you will learn mindfulness, meditative and visualization exercises which you can use in your work with adolescents.
By the end of this presentation you will be able to:
- Articulate the differences between mindfulness and meditation.
- Utilize 15 mindfulness and meditation exercises in your work with adolescents.
- Utilize 5 exercises to help adolescents visualize a bright future.
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The Power of the Selfie: Images as Data Visualization
“Emergence is the way complex systems and patterns arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions. Emergence is a system that makes use of everything in the iterative process. It's all data.” - adrienne maree brown
As storytellers and strategists, we understand that data is everywhere and in everything. However, the field of evaluation and research can often feel very exclusive, especially when it comes to sharing findings. In this workshop, participants will tap into their imaginations and explore how photo elicitation and photo-voice can be an exciting, accessible way to reach their audiences and better understand their points of view. Using these creative methods, participants will also be able to practice and collaborate with one another, utilizing their learning in real-time.
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QPR: Question, Persuade, and Refer. An Emergency Response to Someone in Crisis & OEND Bonus Training
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the three simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.
According to the CDC, youth suicide attempts soared during the pandemic. Rates of suicide among youth in Black and Brown communities have risen faster than in any other racial/ethnic group in the past two decades. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how in a short timeframe to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help.
In the OEND bonus/add-on training, we will offer a 30-minute training session on “How to Use Naloxone aka “Narcan” which is the medicine that reverses an opioid overdose.
In the training, you will be trained on how to use the Naloxone Nasal Spray during a crisis and given a kit for your organization. Please see the flyer for additional information. Once you register for the QPR Training, you will receive an email where you can confirm whether you will attend the bonus training. This training is open to anyone who attends the QPR Training.
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Strengthening and Sustaining Intentional Relationships
By the end of this webinar, training participants will be able to define and apply principles and practices for building and sustaining strong relationships in families, schools, and communities. Participants will learn strategies for effective communication and conflict reconciliation.
Trainer Bio:
Sylvester Baugh is the owner-operator of Baugh Training & Consulting (BTC) in Illinois. Sylvester is an author, speaker, trainer, and life coach. Sylvester has assisted various educational institutions, businesses, and individuals in developing and sustaining quality relationships and viable systems. Sylvester has dedicated his life to serving and improving others for over 35 years. Sylvester provides training and workshops in cultural awareness, conflict management, effective leadership, team building, diversity, equity and inclusion, and more. Prior to the tragedy of 9/11, Sylvester worked with United Airlines in the area of Diversity Management. His background is in communications and diversity coaching. His messages are inspiring and life-changing.
*Attendance is required to receive a certificate of completion and CEUs.
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Tired, Wired, Mired, and Inspired! Strategies for Preventing Burnout and Secondary PTSD
Many people who work in human services consider their work to be a "calling." There are two occupational hazards, burnout and compassion fatigue/secondary trauma, which threaten to undermine that calling and diminish your effectiveness. Burnout is caused by feeling ineffective in your work and organizational/team stress. Compassion fatigue (also called secondary trauma/secondary PTSD) is caused by absorbing the traumatic stories and experiences of clients. Both occupational hazards can lead to a loss of energy, loss of hope, loss of enthusiasm, loss of idealism, spiritual distress, and decreased effectiveness.
This virtual presentation focuses on how to prevent and recover from burnout and compassion fatigue. Emphasis will be placed upon self-care, four things high performers do to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue, how to maintain energy and reduce frustration in your youth development and/or clinical work, and feel a greater sense of success.
OBJECTIVES: By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Be aware of the 4 stages of Burnout
- Understand the differences between burnout and compassion fatigue
- Evaluate your personal vulnerability for developing compassion fatigue
- Be able to utilize 10 strategies to help prevent burnout and compassion fatigue
- Have skills to reduce frustration in your youth development/clinical work
- Be able to feel a greater sense of success in your work.
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Trauma-Informed Supervision: Core Components and Competencies
Trauma-informed supervision is important for youth violence prevention programs to succeed. This presentation covers trauma-informed leadership and supervision, the supervisory relationship as a mirror of trauma-informed care, the 6 features of trauma-informed supervision, and the supervisor's role in promoting self-care in a trauma-informed system of care.
By the end of this presentation, you will be able to:
- Articulate aspects or components of a trauma-informed system of care.
- Be a more effective supervisor in a trauma-informed system of care.
- Recognize how the supervisory relationship can be a catalyst for improved competencies and direct practice in a youth violence prevention program.
- Help staff with self-care practices.
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Youth Mental Health First Aid + Opioid Overdose Education & Naloxone Distribution (OEND) Bonus Training
This course teaches you how to support young people in your life and your work.
Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adolescents ages 12-18. You will build the skills and confidence you need to reach out and provide initial support to young people who are struggling. You will also learn how to help connect them to appropriate support.
After the course, you will be able to:
• Recognize common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD).
• Recognize common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges.
• Understand how to interact with a young person in crisis.
• Know how to connect a young person with help.
• Better understand trauma, substance use, self-care, and the impact of social media and bullying
Bonus OEND Training
Immediately after the Youth Mental Health First Aid training, we will offer a 30-minute bonus training session on “How to use Naloxone, also known as “Narcan,” the medicine that reverses an opioid overdose. This training is open to anyone who attends the Youth Mental Health First Aid Training. You will be trained on how to use the Naloxone Nasal Spray during a crisis and given a kit for your organization.
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