The Prevention First Leadership Center is committed to providing educational opportunities focused on advancing and increasing knowledge and awareness on decreasing opioid and stimulant use disorders, using medication-assisted recovery options, and utilizing a systems-thinking approach. We provide online and web-based training, education, resources, and tools to assist IDHS-SUPR Illinois Leadership Centers. All educational opportunities, resources, and tools are available to anyone interested in learning more about these critical issues and strategies to address them.

Leadership Center at Prevention First

Training Events

Our training events (in person and virtually) are offered throughout the fiscal year. To find the next scheduled event, search below. Training on demand (self-paced) can be found via search or browsing through the online training and recorded webinar descriptions below. 

 Live Training: Classroom (In Person and Virtual) and Webinars

For ECHO sessions, visit the Leadership Center Program Page

Youth Engagement Virtual Panel

This free virtual panel of young people in Illinois aims to educate adults who work with youth about how to authentically engage them in addressing prevention using data-driven strategies. Participants will gain insights, share experiences, and learn how to support and advocate for authentically engaging youth in all aspects of prevention – data collection, analysis, development, implementation, and evaluation.

See below for upcoming dates.

Online Training

Collaborating with Key Stakeholders

This online course will increase participants’ knowledge and skills in building relationships and collaborating with key community stakeholders. Participants will learn strategies for identifying and engaging key stakeholders, building relationships, getting stakeholders on board, and convening local coalitions.


IISUP I: Welcome to Prevention

IISUP I: Welcome to Prevention is a self-paced, online course introducing participants to youth substance use prevention. Participants of this course will explore why prevention matters, including the rates, effects, and consequences of youth substance use. Participants will also examine milestones and trends of substance use in our society over time, how prevention efforts have evolved throughout history, and the components of effective prevention. This course consists of six modules. Estimated completion time for the entire course is 3 hours. The estimated completion time for each module is 30 minutes.


 Recorded Webinars

CEUs are not offered for recorded webinars.

Breaking Intergenerational Patterns of Trauma, Substance Use Disorders, and Dark Family Secrets

Trauma and substance use disorders run in families across generations and are often fueled by dark family secrets. Topics covered in this presentation include the role of treatment and prevention specialists in breaking intergenerational patterns of trauma, substance use disorders, and dark family secrets; breaking Intergenerational patterns by focusing on the unique needs of children of parents with substance use disorders and children on the FASD spectrum; the role of parents and persons in recovery in breaking intergenerational patterns; mobilizing the entire community to help break intergenerational patterns of trauma and substance use disorders. You will learn about successful programs breaking intergenerational patterns in Iceland, Native American, Metropolitan, and rural communities. 

View Recording

LGBT Connections

This webinar was recorded on May 14, 2024. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.

This workshop covers basic LGBT concepts and terminology, transgender-specific information including medical and social transitioning, how to be more LGBT open and welcoming, how being more open and welcoming can reduce service disparities and chronic disease, and your role in making a difference.

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be able to differentiate between the four main concepts of biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
  • Participants will understand what it means to be transgender and the basics of social and medical transitioning.
  • Participants will learn how being open and welcoming increases trust and reduces medical disparities. 
  • Participants will learn ten (10) ways to be more LGBT-open and welcoming.

View Recording

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Series

The Prevention First Leadership Center Strategic Prevention Framework series consists of five webinars focused on SAMHSAs Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), a five-step, data-driven planning process. 

View Webinar One: Overview

View Webinar Two: Assessment

View Webinar Three: Capacity

View Webinar Four: Planning

View Webinar Five: Implementation and Evaluation

The Science of Networks

During these complex times of change and transition within the healthcare environment, we need to know more about how to strategically build robust networks and measure and evaluate our networks’ effectiveness. In this webinar, Dr. Danielle Varda, Associate Professor at the University of Denver and Founder/CEO of Visible Network Labs, shares her expert knowledge on applied network science, with specific expertise in health, public health, and educational system approaches. 

View Recording

The Science of Stigma

Stigma is a barrier to progress on several social issues relevant to those working in the fields of public health, prevention, mental health, and substance misuse. Many people in need of services do not access them because of perceived stigma. In this webinar, Dr. Kari Finley, Research Scholar and Center Manager at the Montana State University Center for Health and Safety Culture, discusses how stigma negatively influences various health conditions and ways to reduce stigma and grow a culture that supports health and safety for all. 

View Recording

The Three Ingredients of Successful Collaboration: Process, Power, and Platform

The webinar was recorded on November 18, 2021.

Collaboration can foster profound improvements in community health and well-being. Collaboration only works when designed to generate high levels of emotional commitment and sustains that commitment long enough to be contagious. An essential task of network leadership is designing collaborative processes and vigilantly monitoring process quality to sustain a commitment to effective implementation. Drawing on twenty years of field research across public and education contexts, Hicks will discuss three common ingredients of successful collaboration: the presence of an open and credible process motivating social cooperation, a feeling of authentic power that generates and sustains stakeholder commitment, and the use of platforms that engender emotional contagion.

Register Here

Utilizing Change Management Skills to Support and Integrate Harm Reduction Approaches

This webinar was recorded on May 15, 2023. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.

Presenter: Nick Szubiak, NSI Solutions

This webinar discusses and provides specific skills and approaches communities can use to implement harm reduction strategies into existing practices. The philosophy and implementation of harm reduction strategies is an emerging approach that effectively engages people who use drugs. This webinar will explore how we can utilize change management approaches to support the implementation of harm reduction strategies to support people who use drugs, reduce overdose deaths, and more effectively address and treat addiction. We will discuss the wide spectrum of harm reduction strategies that support the mantra of meeting people “where they are” with compassion and humility.

View Recording

Live Webinar

The Role of Pharmacists in Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD), Harm Reduction, and Recovery

Wednesday, June 25, 2025
All Day

Join us for an insightful webinar from a pharmacist’s perspective on Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) and the benefits of harm reduction. Pharmacists are on the front lines of patient care and are uniquely positioned to improve recovery outcomes by reducing stigma, promoting harm reduction, and ensuring the safe, effective, and compassionate distribution of MOUD, making a meaningful difference in patients' lives. Participants will have a deeper understanding of the pharmacist’s role in MOUD and how these medications and harm reduction contribute to healthier outcomes and stronger communities.

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Collaborating with Key Stakeholders


This online course will increase participants’ knowledge and skills related to building relationships and collaborating with key community stakeholders. Participants will learn strategies for identifying and engaging key stakeholders, building relationships and getting stakeholders on board, and convening local coalitions.

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IISUP I: Welcome to Prevention


IISUP I: Welcome to Prevention is a self-paced, online course introducing participants to youth substance use prevention. Participants of this course will explore why prevention matters, including the rates, effects, and consequences of youth substance use. Participants will also examine milestones and trends of substance use in our society over time, how prevention efforts have evolved throughout history, and the components of effective prevention. This course consists of six modules. Estimated completion time for the entire course is 3 hours. Estimated completion time for each module is 30 minutes.

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Recorded Webinar

Breaking Intergenerational Patterns of Trauma, Substance Use Disorders, and Dark Family Secrets


Trauma and substance use disorders run in families across generations and are often fueled by dark family secrets. Topics covered in this presentation include the role of treatment and prevention specialists in breaking intergenerational patterns of trauma, substance use disorders, and dark family secrets; breaking Intergenerational patterns by focusing on the unique needs of children of parents with substance use disorders and children on the FASD spectrum; the role of parents and persons in recovery in breaking intergenerational patterns; mobilizing the entire community to help break intergenerational patterns of trauma and substance use disorders. You will learn about successful programs in breaking intergenerational patterns in Iceland, Native American, Metropolitan, and rural communities. 

Presenter: Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC

Click the link below and use passcode &Ta81SA4 to access the recording. Please feel free to use the slides to accommodate you through this webinar.

View Here

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Recorded Webinar

LGBT Connections - Recording


This webinar was recorded on May 14, 2024. No CEUs are provided for recorded events. 

This workshop covers basic LGBT concepts and terminology, transgender-specific information including medical and social transitioning, how to be more LGBT open and welcoming, how being more open and welcoming can reduce service disparities and chronic disease, and your role in making a difference.

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be able to differentiate between the four main concepts of biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
  • Participants will understand what it means to be transgender and the basics of social and medical transitioning.
  • Participants will learn how being open and welcoming increases trust and reduces medical disparities. 
  • Participants will learn ten (10) ways to be more LGBT-open and welcoming.
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Recorded Webinar

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Series - Webinar Five: Implementation and Evaluation


The Prevention First Leadership Center Strategic Prevention Framework series consists of five webinars focused on SAMHSAs Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), a five-step, data-driven planning process. This series was originally offered to Leadership Centers.

Webinar Five: Implementation and Evaluation

Implementation is the act of carrying out or executing the strategic plan. In this step, a community’s plan is put into action by delivering evidence-based programs and practices as intended.

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. List the steps of the SPF implementation process
  2. Establish implementation supports for each strategy
  3. Carry out strategies with fidelity and planned adaptations
  4. Monitor and document implementation

Evaluation is the systematic collection and analysis of information about activities, used to reduce uncertainty, improve effectiveness, and facilitate decision-making. In the SPF, evaluation is about enhancing the programs, practices and policies being implemented to address the identified problem(s) prioritized during assessment.

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. List the benefits of evaluation
  2. Name the five functions of evaluation
  3. Discuss the benefits of engaging stakeholders in evaluation and identify evaluation stakeholders
  4. Describe the two types of evaluation: process and outcome
  5. Identify the components of an evaluation plan
  6. List the four principles of evaluation
  7. Identify the guidelines for reporting evaluation results

View Webinar Five

Use the following passcode to view Webinar Five: Implementation and EvaluationGNAf13r#

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Recorded Webinar

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Series - Webinar Four: Planning


The Prevention First Leadership Center Strategic Prevention Framework series consists of five webinars focused on SAMHSAs Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), a five-step, data-driven planning process. This series was originally offered to Leadership Centers.

Webinar Four: Planning

Strategic planning increases the effectiveness of prevention/intervention efforts by ensuring that planners select and implement the most appropriate programs and strategies for their communities. In an effective planning process, communities involve diverse stakeholders, replace guesswork and hunches with data-driven decisions, and create comprehensive, evidence-based strategic plans to address their priority substance misuse problems.

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. List the steps of the SPF planning process
  2. Prioritize the contributing factors associated with the identified substance misuse problems
  3. Write goals and objectives to address the problem and each contributing factor
  4. Select appropriate strategies to address each priority factor and achieve each objective, ensuring a comprehensive approach
  5. Develop and share a logic model with stakeholders to graphically depict the theory of change
  6. Develop action plans that include the steps, stakeholders, and timelines necessary to implement each strategy
  7. Recognize the components of a strategic plan

View Webinar Four

Use the following passcode to view Webinar Four: Planning91#8m!Ta

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Recorded Webinar

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Series - Webinar One: Overview


The Prevention First Leadership Center Strategic Prevention Framework series consists of five webinars focused on SAMHSAs Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), a five-step, data-driven planning process. This series was originally offered to Leadership Centers.

Webinar One: Overview

This webinar is a high-level overview of the SPF. If you are familiar with the SPF, this will be a review, and for those new to the SPF, it will be an introduction.

Participants will be able to:

  • Explain how the Leadership Centers, ROSC Councils, and other partners can utilize the SPF process
  • Relate the history of the SPF
  • Explain the public health model
  • Identify the defining features of the SPF process
  • Recognize the components of the IOM Continuum of Care Model
  • List the steps of the Strategic Prevention Framework
  • Describe the role of the SPF workgroup/network

View Webinar One 

Use the following passcode to view Webinar One: Overview+D.qNp3u

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Recorded Webinar

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Series - Webinar Three: Capacity


The Prevention First Leadership Center Strategic Prevention Framework series consists of five webinars focused on SAMHSAs Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), a five-step, data-driven planning process. This series was originally offered to Leadership Centers.

Webinar Three: Capacity

Capacity is the ability to perform. Throughout SPF, networks must build capacity. Building capacity means maximizing the community's strengths and overcoming barriers that hinder the ability to address its priority issue and the local factors that cause it.  

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize the key components to capacity building
  2. Describe strategies for building capacity
  3. Explain the levels of engagement
  4. Describe recruitment strategies
  5. Explain collaboration across the SPF process and Continuum of Care Model
  6. Recognize how to strengthen a team
  7. Identify strategies to build cultural competence and sustainability

View Webinar Three

Use the following passcode to view Webinar Three: CapacityWej.HD1T

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Recorded Webinar

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Series - Webinar Two: Assessment


The Prevention First Leadership Center Strategic Prevention Framework series consists of five webinars focused on SAMHSAs Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), a five-step, data-driven planning process. This series was originally offered to Leadership Centers.

Webinar Two: Assessment

The goal of the assessment is to gain a better understanding of local substance-related problems and ground planning in actual needs and resources. The data collected during the assessment assist in identifying and prioritizing the substance misuse problems that exist in their community, as well as clarifying the impact these problems have on community members, identifying the specific factors that contribute to these problems, assessing readiness, and determining the resources needed to address those factors.

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the data-driven aspects of the SPF, including sources, methods, and process.
  2. List components of a community/service area definition and description
  3. Identify data to collect about the problem, including consumption patterns, consequences and contributing factors
  4. Analyze data to prioritize problems, develop a problem statement and conduct a problem analysis
  5. Explain how to assess community resources and readiness
  6. Recognize ways to report findings

View Webinar Two

Use the following passcode to view Webinar Two: Assessmentp0VF.&=F

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Recorded Webinar

The Science of Networks


During these complex times of change and transition within the healthcare environment, we need to know more about how to strategically build robust networks and measure and evaluate our networks' effectiveness. In this webinar, Dr. Danielle Varda, Associate Professor at the University of Denver and Founder/CEO of Visible Network Labs, shares her expert knowledge on applied network science, with specific expertise in health, public health, and educational system approaches. Click the link below and use passcode +9Au1Rk. to access the recording.

View Here

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Recorded Webinar

The Science of Stigma


Stigma is a barrier to progress on several social issues relevant to those working in the fields of public health, prevention, mental health, and substance misuse. Many people in need of services do not access them because of perceived stigma. In this webinar, Dr. Kari Finley, Research Scholar and Center Manager at the Montana State University Center for Health and Safety Culture discusses how stigma negatively influences a variety of health conditions and ways to reduce stigma and grow a culture that supports health and safety for all. Click the link below and access the recording via passcode 3PvSw?5c.

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Recorded Webinar

Utilizing Change Management Skills to Support and Integrate Harm Reduction Approaches - Archived Webinar


This webinar was recorded on May 15, 2023. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.

Presenter: Nick Szubiak, NSI Solutions

Summary: This webinar will discuss and provide specific skills and approaches communities can use to implement harm reduction strategies into existing practices. 

The philosophy and implementation of harm reduction strategies is anemerging approach that effectively engages people who use drugs.This webinar will explore how we can utilize change managementapproaches to support the implementation of harm reductionstrategies to support people who use drugs, reduce overdose death,and more effectively address and treat addiction. We will discuss thewide spectrum of harm reduction strategies that support the mantra ofmeeting people “where they are” with compassion and humility.

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