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Alcohol Misuse and Mental Health in the Pandemic Era and Beyond
This webinar was recorded on January 19, 2023. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Dr. Aaron White
In this presentation, we will explore our rapidly evolving understanding of the relationship between alcohol and mental well-being, examine effective options for helping people avoid developing an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, and discuss strategies for promoting long-term sustainable recovery for people who develop alcohol use disorder. Alcohol consumption and related harms increased in the United States before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for women. During 2020, the first year of the pandemic, alcohol consumption increased more than at any time in the past 50 years. Deaths from alcohol jumped 25%, more than during the prior ten years combined. Many people who drank more during the pandemic did so in an effort to cope with stress. Unfortunately, drinking to cope with stress is a maladaptive strategy that increases the likelihood of developing alcohol use disorder (AUD) and contributes to worsening mental and physical health over time. In this presentation, we will explore our rapidly evolving understanding of the relationship between alcohol and mental well-being, examine effective options for helping people avoid developing an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, and discuss strategies for promoting long-term sustainable recovery for people who develop AUD.
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The ABCs of Alcohol Regulation - Webinar 1 of 3
This webinar was recorded on February 14, 2019. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Nancy McGee, JD
Alcohol, by its very nature, is no ordinary commodity and requires a strong set of rules and regulations to ensure it is manufactured, distributed, sold, and consumed responsibly. This first webinar in the series will provide a broad overview of the alcohol regulatory framework and provide guidance on how communities can work to identify areas of concern and implement appropriate change within their community.
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Identifying Policy Strategies that Address Alcohol-Related Problems in a Community - Webinar 2 of 3
This webinar was recorded on March 14, 2019. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Nancy M. McGee, JD
Building upon the concepts introduced in the first webinar, participants will look at a hypothetical community to identify the most appropriate policy strategies to implement based on contributing factors of the identified alcohol-related problem. The importance of using data to support efforts and how to develop political will, community support, and consensus for policy initiatives will be discussed.
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Working with Law Enforcement to Implement Strategies that Support Healthier Alcohol Environments - Webinar 3 of 3
This webinar was recorded in April 2019. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Nancy McGee, JD
Building upon information introduced in Webinar 2, participants will continue working with the hypothetical community to ensure that the alcohol policy strategies identified have an appropriate enforcement strategy and are enforced at the appropriate level to effect change.
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Alcohol Advertising Effects on Adolescents
This webinar was recorded on August 18, 2020. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Dr. Alisa Padon
This webinar will review some of the background, theory, and research on the appeal of alcohol advertising to adolescents and the effects of ad exposure on underage alcohol use.
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Alcohol and Managing Special Events
This webinar was recorded on April 25, 2018. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Nancy McGee
During this webinar, participants will learn about and discuss the following:
- Community challenges when dealing with alcohol at special events,
- Issues that need to be addressed, including the role of alcohol at the event,
- The special events planning process and who should be at the table, and
- Strategies to keep the event safe and minimize negative consequences to individuals and the community.
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Alcohol and Teen Traffic Safety
This webinar was recorded on October 19, 2021. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenters: Deputy John Shallenberger, Tazewell County Sheriff’s Office, and Shannon Alderman, Impaired Driving Program Coordinator, Illinois Department of Transportation
This webinar will focus on how local coalitions and law enforcement can collaborate to prevent teen traffic crashes. Experts from across Illinois will discuss evidence-based alcohol prevention strategies along with strategies to enhance safe teen driving.
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Alcohol Home Delivery: Regulatory and Enforcement Implications
This webinar was recorded on April 13, 2021. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenters: Cassandra Tourre, National Alcohol Beverage Control Association, and Carrie Christofes, National Liquor Law Enforcement Association
This webinar will review current policies on home delivery, direct shipping, and curbside services while providing information on strategies to protect the public from alcohol-related harm. Home delivery of alcohol is on the rise nationwide, posing regulatory and enforcement challenges. The alcohol marketplace is changing quickly, from direct shipment and third-party delivery services to cocktails to go, requiring enforcement, prevention, and public health stakeholders to react with creative solutions and strategies to regulate and enforce this new alcohol marketplace.
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Alcohol Misuse as a Risk Factor for Gun Violence
This webinar was recorded on February 20, 2024. There are no CEUs available for recorded webinars.
Alcohol use and gun violence are leading causes of preventable injury and death in the United States. These issues are most deadly when they intersect with one another. This webinar will discuss research and policy recommendations from the report “Alcohol Misuse and Gun Violence: An Evidence-Based Approach,” pointing to alcohol misuse as a risk factor for all forms of gun violence, including homicides and suicides, confirming the urgent need to adopt evidence-based policies that address this troubling link.
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Alcohol Outlets and Violence in U.S. Cities: What, Why and What To Do
This webinar was recorded on March 16, 2022. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: David Jernigan, PhD
This presentation will show the research behind excessive alcohol use and violence, the histories of structural racism that contributed to this situation, and the concrete steps that communities can take to influence and reduce alcohol outlet density within their borders. Excessive alcohol use and violence have a close relationship. Numerous studies have documented a relationship between a high density of alcohol outlets and increased violence. There are significant disparities in alcohol outlet density: while alcohol consumption is highest among higher-income people, and while whites are far more likely than African American or Latinx people to report heavy drinking, across the country poor, African American, and Latinx communities have far more than their share of alcohol outlets.
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Alcohol Prevention is Suicide Prevention: Understanding the Associations Between Alcohol and Suicide
This webinar was recorded on May 5, 2021. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Jason R. Kilmer, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington
In this presentation, risk factors will be reviewed, with a spotlight on how alcohol impacts judgment and decision-making directly related to suicide. Heavy episodic (or “binge” drinking) is associated with higher reports of suicidal thoughts, making a suicide plan, and attempting suicide.? Research has looked at distal risk factors (relatively stable characteristics/events leading up to suicidal behavior) and proximal risk factors (variables that increase risk in the moments before suicidal behavior).? In this presentation, these factors will be reviewed, with a spotlight on how alcohol impacts judgment and decision-making directly related to suicide.? Studies that make the assertion that “alcohol prevention is suicide prevention” will be summarized, along with other associated variables.? Implications for prevention and intervention will be discussed.
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Alcohol Taxes Save Lives: Using Tax Policies to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harms
This webinar was recorded on January 9, 2025. No CEUs are available for recorded webinars.
Excessive alcohol consumption kills more than 178,000 people in the United States every year, with additional costs to the U.S. economy reaching $249 billion according to reports from the CDC. The situation appears to be getting worse – deaths from alcohol grew by 29% in just five years, from 2016 to 2021. Studies show raising alcohol taxes will reduce drinking and related problems, among both youth and adults. Drawing on Dr. Jernigan’s extensive experience with alcohol tax campaigns both in the US and around the world, this webinar will describe the effects of alcohol tax increases on health and safety, and the elements of successful efforts to put them in place.
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Deaths From Excessive Alcohol Use on the Rise in the U.S.: What We Know and What We Can Do
This webinar was recorded in April 2024. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Alcohol-related deaths have been increasing during the past two decades, and particularly in recent years. However, most studies focus only on deaths that are fully caused by alcohol use and do not also consider causes of deaths that are partially caused by alcohol use, such as injuries, motor vehicle crashes, certain types of cancer, and heart disease. This presentation will describe the most recent data available on deaths from excessive alcohol use in the United States using a comprehensive measure that accounts for 58 causes of alcohol-related deaths, as well as trends in these deaths. It will also discuss resources on effective strategies for reducing excessive drinking and alcohol-related harms, including deaths, to promote improved health and well-being.
Dr. Marissa Esser is the Lead of the Alcohol Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. She has been working in the alcohol and public health field for more than a decade. In her current role, she oversees projects on the surveillance of excessive alcohol use and its impact on states and communities and applied alcohol epidemiology studies. She and her team also develop communications about excessive alcohol use and effectively preventing it and create resources that help to translate research on effective population-level alcohol strategies into practice. Dr. Esser participates on several national interagency working groups to advance efforts to reduce alcohol-related harm. She holds a PhD from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and an MPH from Emory University.
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Enforcement of Alcohol Laws Equals Prevention: Working with Law Enforcement to Increase Effectiveness of Alcohol Laws.
This webinar was recorded on January 11, 2022. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Nancy M. McGee, JD
The session will discuss a range of topics including, but not limited to, the use of providing public support for law enforcement to do their job, training for law enforcement on alcohol-related enforcement strategies, and providing youth and adult volunteers to assist law enforcement in the implementation of various enforcement strategies. For alcohol laws to have their intended deterrent effect, state and local law enforcement agencies must actively and visibly enforce the alcohol laws at their disposal. Research indicates that active and consistent enforcement of state and local alcohol laws can create healthier alcohol environments. Navigating the landscape of alcohol enforcement is daunting for those outside law enforcement. This session will review the alcohol regulatory system in Illinois and highlight ways that agencies working on alcohol prevention can support law enforcement agencies’ efforts to regulate the sale and consumption of alcohol outlets within the community. The session will highlight the common alcohol enforcement strategies and how you can develop working relationships with law enforcement to increase the impact of those strategies. The session will discuss a range of topics including, but not limited to, the use of providing public support for law enforcement to do their job, training for law enforcement on alcohol-related enforcement strategies, and providing youth and adult volunteers to assist law enforcement in the implementation of various enforcement strategies.
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Engaging Youth in Prevention
This is a recorded webinar. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars. Presenters: Kellie Henrichs, Randyl Wilkins, Kathy Murphy, Jody Heavilin, and Jacob Levinson
This webinar will share effective strategies that have been shown to engage youth in meaningful prevention efforts. Please take a moment to complete our post-webinar evaluation! Upon completing the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Describe the importance of authentic youth engagement
- Recognize opportunities to engage youth in prevention work
- Highlight ways youth can benefit from being involved in prevention work
- Identify how to recruit youth for prevention work
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Environmental Scans for Alcohol Policy Change
This webinar was recorded on November 8, 2023. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Assessing your community is critical in identifying potential issues contributing to underage or excessive alcohol use. Completing a comprehensive assessment involves utilizing many tools and methods. Environmental scanning allows you to observe and document how alcohol presents itself in your community, including through advertising. In this webinar, we share the recently published Environmental Scan Toolkit, and Counter Tools will discuss why the point of sale matters for alcohol and your community.
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Excessive Alcohol Use and Other Substance Use: Dual Public Health Problems
This webinar was recorded on MAY 12, 2022. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Dr. Marissa Esser
The presentation will highlight tools and resources that can inform the implementation of effective strategies to reduce excessive drinking and other substance use in states and communities. Excessive alcohol use is a leading cause of preventable death in the U.S., and it is associated with other substance use. The use of multiple substances heightens the risk of overdose. This presentation will describe research on patterns of drinking and other substance use, including prescription drug misuse while drinking. It will also discuss indications of changes in alcohol use and related harms in recent years. The presentation will highlight tools and resources that can inform the implementation of effective strategies to reduce excessive drinking and other substance use in states and communities.
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Illegal ID Detection
Presenter: Nancy McGee, JD
During this webinar, participants will examine the magnitude of the problem, review the varying types of fake IDs, learn where fraudulent IDs are sourced, learn the unintended consequences of usage, identify effective enforcement, and learn what prevention strategies can be implemented.
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Minor in Possession
This webinar was recorded on March 20, 2020. No CEUs are available for recorded webinars.
Communities with local ordinances that address underage alcohol purchase, possession, and consumption provide law enforcement with an easier and more effective method of enforcement than relying solely on the State Statute. Additionally, the adoption of a local Minor is Possession ordinance sends a message to the community and to youth that youth alcohol use is unacceptable and can serve to change community norms regarding underage drinking. During this webinar, participants will review the purpose of Minor in Possession laws and ordinances, review Statewide Illinois Youth Survey results, identify the various types of Minor in Possession Statutes, and learn how to engage appropriate partners.
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Party Prevention and Controlled Party Dispersal: The Role of Community Coalitions
This webinar was recorded on June 5, 2018. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Nancy McGee, JD
During this webinar, participants will review data and contexts in which youth consume alcoholic beverages, discuss how the coalition can work to create an environment that prevents underage drinking, and how coalitions can work collaboratively with law enforcement to identify underage drinking events. In addition, participants will discuss the importance of generating community support and political will to address the problem of underage drinking parties.
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Placebos, Prevention, and Parents: What the Science Says About Alcohol and The Important Role of Coalitions
This webinar was recorded on October 28, 2020. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Jason R. Kilmer, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington
How does messaging from parents impact youth and young adult alcohol use? How does drinking at night impact the quality of sleep? This presentation will explore examples from science related to relevant, important findings for youth and young adults and will examine the role parents, prevention specialists, and coalitions can play in affecting alcohol use by youth, adolescents, and young adults.
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Preventing Youth Access to Alcohol Online
This webinar was recorded on November 17, 2020. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Rebecca S. Williams Ph.D, M.H.S
This webinar will cover how youth get access to alcohol online, the scope of the problems with internet alcohol sales, the regulatory issues surrounding online alcohol sales, how to restrict online alcohol sales, and the impact that COVID has had on online alcohol sales and the research aiming to address preventing youth access.
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Prevention Messaging: Considering the Words We Use in Prevention Approaches
This webinar was recorded on April 13, 2023. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Jason Kilmer, Ph.D
In this presentation, we consider the importance of language and terminology and lessons learned from the stages of change model, motivational interviewing, and prevention science.
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Supporting Law Enforcement Efforts to Enforce Alcohol Laws: Practical Guidelines for Coalitions
This webinar was recorded on June 21, 2022. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Presenter: Nancy McGee, JD
In this 1-hour webinar, the presenter will discuss the need for coalitions to establish and maintain strong working relationships with the Illinois Liquor Control Commission and local law enforcement agencies to maximize efforts to enforce the State and local alcohol laws.
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The Alcohol Retail Environment: Emerging Hazards to Public Safety
This webinar was recorded on January 30, 2025. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
Over the past decade, the U.S. alcohol retail landscape has changed drastically with the introduction of new types of ready-to-drink products – many with high alcohol content – the co-branding of alcohol and soda brands, and the emergence of THC-infused beverages. Additionally, shifts in marketing and sales practices, influenced by technological advances and the COVID-19 pandemic, have raised substantial concerns about underage access and overconsumption. This presentation will explore these evolving trends, offering insights into recent research on product marketing and the implications for public health and policy development.
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The Untapped Potential of Alcohol Policy for Cancer Prevention
This webinar was recorded on June 28, 2022. No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.
This webinar reviews the alcohol-related cancer burden in the US, identifies higher-risk populations, discusses evidence-based and emerging interventions, highlights state and local policy options, and explores barriers to implementation and how to overcome them.
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