Twenty years ago, Tazewell County, Illinois, suffered unimaginable roadway losses. Over 15 months, 15 teens died in car crashes, with half of those teens being under the influence of intoxicating substances. The community came together to form a coalition. The coalition overcame significant obstacles using best practices and the Strategic Prevention Framework to reduce youth substance use and impaired driving. This webinar will describe the community conditions before and after implementing the coalition’s efforts. You will learn the importance of adhering to best practices and why collaboration is the key to success.
Jody Heavilin, Administrator, Alcohol Policy Resource Center at Prevention First
Jody Heavilin has over 30 years of experience in substance use prevention, intervention, and treatment. She led a county-wide coalition through the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), resulting in a 64% reduction in 12th graders who self-reported drinking and driving. Jody worked as a Training and Technical Assistance Specialist for Prevention First before transitioning to the Alcohol Policy Resource Center, serving as the Administrator since 2019. She is responsible for the APRC monthly newsletter, which has a nationwide reach of over 7,000 people, law enforcement training on alcohol strategies, and resource creation.
Jody’s expertise includes the SPF, coalition capacity building, alcohol policy, data analysis, and environmental prevention strategies. She received two Illinois MADD Hero of the Year Awards (2011, 2014) and the 2022 Illinois Prevention Leadership Award. Jody earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Eureka College in 1990.
John Shallenberger, Deputy Sheriff, Tazewell County Sheriff’s Office
John Shallenberger, a Deputy Sheriff with the Tazewell County Sheriff's Office, has dedicated 28 years to law enforcement. He began his career as a Correctional Officer and progressed to the rank of Sergeant before becoming a Deputy Sheriff in 2002, where he was assigned to the Patrol Division. In 2006, John was selected for a position in the Crime Prevention Unit, which he continues to hold.
John's responsibilities in the Crime Prevention Unit are extensive. He is a Certified DARE Instructor, Certified Child Passenger Technician, Certified A.L.I.C.E. Instructor, Certified Illinois Juvenile Officer, Certified Elderly Service Officer, and Certified School Resource Officer.
As an original member of the Tazewell County Teen Initiative, John served as Co-chairperson for several years. He has also presented nationally at the GHSA and LifeSavers Conference about the Tazewell Teen Initiative coalition.
John's achievements have been recognized with several awards. He received the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Ford Driving Skills for Life Team, the Distinguished Service Award from the Illinois Juvenile Officer Association, and the Innovation in the Classroom Award from the National Association of School Resource Officers.
Sara Sparkman
Sara Sparkman worked in public health for 32 years at the Tazewell County Health Department. She served as a Health Educator, Assistant Director of Health Education, and Communications Manager. Through her role at Tazewell County Health Department, Sara wrote grants to secure funding, including Drug Free Communities, Strategic Prevention Framework - State Incentive Grant, Teen REACH, as well as private funding.
Sara served as the Chair of the Tazewell Teen Initiative for several years after it was created in response to teen crash fatalities. She led the coalition through the strategic prevention framework to access and plan for the reduction of alcohol and other drug-impaired driving. Sara hosted nationally known speakers at community education presentations and several Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement trainings for law enforcement officers.
Sara received the Illinois State Police Director’s Award in 2008 for her work with the Tazewell Teen Initiative and the Illinois Department of Public Health award. She graduated from Illinois State University with a Bachelor of Science in Education in 1988. She retired in 2023.