Many people who work in human services consider their work to be a "calling." There are two occupational hazards, burnout and compassion fatigue/secondary trauma, which threaten to undermine that calling and diminish your effectiveness. Burnout is caused by feeling ineffective in your work and organizational/team stress. Compassion fatigue (also called secondary trauma/secondary PTSD) is caused by absorbing the traumatic stories and experiences of clients. Both occupational hazards can lead to a loss of energy, loss of hope loss of enthusiasm, loss of idealism, spiritual distress, and decreased effectiveness.
This virtual presentation focuses on how to prevent and recover from burnout and compassion fatigue. Emphasis will be placed upon: self care; four things high performers do to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue; how to maintain energy and reduce frustration in your youth development and/or clinical work and feel a greater sense of success.
OBJECTIVES: By the end of this workshop participants will:
- Be aware of the 4 stages of Burnout
- Understand the differences between burnout and compassion fatigue
- Evaluate your personal vulnerability for developing compassion fatigue
- Be able to utilize 10 strategies to help prevent burnout and compassion fatigue
- Have skills to reduce frustration in your youth development/clinical work
- Be able to feel a greater sense of success in your work.