Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Series - Webinar Five: Implementation and Evaluation

This is an Archived Webinar event.

The Prevention First Leadership Center Strategic Prevention Framework series consists of five webinars focused on SAMHSAs Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), a five-step, data-driven planning process. This series was originally offered to Leadership Centers.

Webinar Five: Implementation and Evaluation

Implementation is the act of carrying out or executing the strategic plan. In this step, a community’s plan is put into action by delivering evidence-based programs and practices as intended.

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. List the steps of the SPF implementation process
  2. Establish implementation supports for each strategy
  3. Carry out strategies with fidelity and planned adaptations
  4. Monitor and document implementation

Evaluation is the systematic collection and analysis of information about activities, used to reduce uncertainty, improve effectiveness, and facilitate decision-making. In the SPF, evaluation is about enhancing the programs, practices and policies being implemented to address the identified problem(s) prioritized during assessment.

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. List the benefits of evaluation
  2. Name the five functions of evaluation
  3. Discuss the benefits of engaging stakeholders in evaluation and identify evaluation stakeholders
  4. Describe the two types of evaluation: process and outcome
  5. Identify the components of an evaluation plan
  6. List the four principles of evaluation
  7. Identify the guidelines for reporting evaluation results

View Webinar Five

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