The Prevention First Leadership Center Strategic Prevention Framework series consists of five webinars focused on SAMHSAs Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), a five-step, data-driven planning process. This series was originally offered to Leadership Centers.
Webinar Four: Planning
Strategic planning increases the effectiveness of prevention/intervention efforts by ensuring that planners select and implement the most appropriate programs and strategies for their communities. In an effective planning process, communities involve diverse stakeholders, replace guesswork and hunches with data-driven decisions, and create comprehensive, evidence-based strategic plans to address their priority substance misuse problems.
At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
- List the steps of the SPF planning process
- Prioritize the contributing factors associated with the identified substance misuse problems
- Write goals and objectives to address the problem and each contributing factor
- Select appropriate strategies to address each priority factor and achieve each objective, ensuring a comprehensive approach
- Develop and share a logic model with stakeholders to graphically depict the theory of change
- Develop action plans that include the steps, stakeholders, and timelines necessary to implement each strategy
- Recognize the components of a strategic plan
View Webinar Four
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