Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Series - Webinar Three: Capacity

This is an Archived Webinar event.

The Prevention First Leadership Center Strategic Prevention Framework series consists of five webinars focused on SAMHSAs Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), a five-step, data-driven planning process. This series was originally offered to Leadership Centers.

Webinar Three: Capacity

Capacity is the ability to perform. Throughout SPF, networks must build capacity. Building capacity means maximizing the community's strengths and overcoming barriers that hinder the ability to address its priority issue and the local factors that cause it.  

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize the key components to capacity building
  2. Describe strategies for building capacity
  3. Explain the levels of engagement
  4. Describe recruitment strategies
  5. Explain collaboration across the SPF process and Continuum of Care Model
  6. Recognize how to strengthen a team
  7. Identify strategies to build cultural competence and sustainability

View Webinar Three

Use the following passcode to view Webinar Three: CapacityWej.HD1T

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