Proven, effective processes and partnerships to assist communities in addressing alcohol issues.
Knowing where to start, how to identify alcohol issues within a community, and which alcohol policies, ordinances, and law enforcement strategies can reduce underage drinking and alcohol misuse are important steps to help a community move forward. Below you will find tools to assist your community in knowing where to begin.
SPF Resource Guide | Spanish Version
Alcohol Prevention Strategy and Policy
Strategic Prevention Framework
SPF Community Assessment Microlearning
Alcohol Policies and Ordinances Microlearning
Overview of Environmental Scan Fact Sheet | Spanish Version
Alcohol Environmental Scan Infographic (4 Ps)
Environmental Scan Toolkit | Spanish Version
Environmental Scanning Microlearning
Law Enforcement Strategies Guide
Engaging Law Enforcement Infographic
Alcohol Law Enforcement Overview
Direct to Consumer Alcohol Infographic
Alcohol and ECommerce
Law Enforcement & Coalition Engagement
Easy Retail Access Microlearning
IYS - 2018
IYS Law Enforcement and Communities
Alcohol policies contribute to safer communities. These resources were designed to reduce alcohol-related harm in mind and can assist communities in their evaluation and implementation of alcohol policy work.
Alcohol Policies and Suicide
Alcohol Policy is a Win-Win For Communities
Binge Drinking Facts
COVID-19, Stress & Alcohol
Reduce Alcohol Access to Reduce Violent Crime